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Writer's pictureTina Lifford

10 Things You've Just Gotta Accept in Life

I have taken a stab at identifying a universal top 10 list of things all human beings must learn to accept.

Note: I don't usually use profanity in my inner fitness blogs. However, the first item on this list is a four-letter word we all know.

Shit happens.

Yes, it does. All the time. When you least expect it, want it, and can least afford it, shit happens. So, learn to shrug your shoulders, take a deep breath, and say, "Oh, well... Shit happens."

Life can hurt.

People disappoint us, disappear and lie, and our loved ones experience problems and pain that we can't fix. Getting your feelings hurt, feeling afraid, weathering loss – these are all things that come with being human. When life hurts, you can cope. Relax. Breathe. And keep your heart open.

People will be people.

Developing inner fitness can lengthen the time between emotional upsets. But if you scratch deep enough or catch anyone at the "right" (wrong) time, all people are sure to behave like people. Learn not to take anyone's actions or reactions personally.

Life is happening the way it's supposed to.

To say that things in your life should be different implies that you know how life works. Instead, assume that whatever is happening is what is supposed to happen, based on the reality that it is happening. You get to choose how you respond to life's curveballs.

You are not exempt.

No matter how blessed you feel or how fortunate you've been, life will still deliver challenging moments. And there will be times when all the good things in your life can't make certain moments easier. During such times, remember that difficult moments happen to everyone.

There are no guarantees.

Life does not come with guarantees. Let your ability to shift and choose a Self-empowering response in any situation be your guarantee.

There is no such thing as forever.

Nothing lasts forever. Good times will follow hard times and vice versa. Stay flexible.

Everything changes.

Let it!

You will grow old and die.

Human beings grow old and die, period. This course of events is the order of things. The Hollywood desire to stay young forever is a fairytale. Work to be your own most fully alive person, regardless of your age.

Life takes ongoing effort.

Living life fully alive takes work. Instead of battling with this notion, surrender to it.

There's no intended order to this top 10 list.

Take a moment and identify the issue(s) in your life that you need to accept. Once you have your list, see if any of the points covered here can help you make peace.

Tina Lifford plays Aunt Vi on the critically acclaimed television show, Queen Sugar. The Little Book of Big Lies: A Journey Into Inner Fitness is her first book; released by Harper Collins, November 2019, and is full of the kind of internal “actions” that will transform your thinking and your life. You can also join her at a workout in her Inner Fitness Studio to practice strengthening your wellbeing and making it actionable in your day to day life. Don't miss the latest news from Tina Lifford and The Inner Fitness Project. Sign up our monthly newsletter here.

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